AUM, also written as OM (Sanskrit word), originated as a mystical trisyllable in the Upanishads and is considered the foundation of all traditional Sanskrit and yogic mantras. The vibration of AUM encompasses all that is, was, and will be, beyond the three forms of time. It is this esoteric vibration that infuses the universe with […]
Read MoreWhen I say meditation many times it conjures up the image of yogi’s sitting in lotus pose (which is enough to scare some people off) while saying OMMMM or worse yet trying not to have a single thought (how is that even possible), not even the one about the purple elephant. In today’s fast-paced world, […]
Read MoreThe Virgo Full Moon on March 7th marks an intense period for emotional healing. This new moon will bring about a sense of clarity and understanding as we accept our current reality and create space for growth and transformation. As Virgo is connected to emotions, this new moon provides us with an opportunity to become […]
Read MoreClear quartz is a powerful stone that can amplify whatever energy or intent you program into it. It does this by resonating at the level of an individual’s need, which means its output tone will vary depending on where they’re located in their own development when using clear quartz for intention acceleration – whether to […]
Read MoreHypnosis is a state of mind that uses guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused attention to achieve a state of heightened awareness. This state is usually referred to as trance or hypnotic state. We go through various levels of trance state every day when we automatically drive home but don’t recall much of the drive, […]
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