When I took my first yoga class, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew that yoga was supposed to be good for reducing stress and increasing flexibility, but that is all I really knew about it. After finishing my first class, I became really fascinated with yoga and wanted to learn more. I decided to continue taking classes and to find out as much about yoga as I could. I discovered the eight limbs of yoga, the chakra energy centers, meditation and more. Over time, I felt my body becoming stronger and more flexible. Then one of my instructors suggested that I look into becoming a teacher, I had never thought of it before but the idea interested me so I always kept it in the back of mind. Then when the time seemed right I started studying to become a yoga teacher and I’ve been learning ever since.
Yoga has brought a sense of peace and balance to my busy family life and I want to share my secret for happiness with as many people as I can.
I have studied under a variety of instructors and at various institutions over the past decade. I have been influenced by the following Hatha and lyengar teachers: Bob Glickstein, Mary Frankos, and Debbie Jensen. Kripalu teacher Mandy McMahon. Anusara teacher Karen Angeline. As well as taken classes at the Kripalu Center in Massachusetts ( www.kripalu.org) and participated in several other yoga intensives, specialty yoga classes, and retreats. I have completed a Hatha yoga teacher’s certification class through the Temple of Kriya Yoga (www.yogakriya.org) based in Chicago, IL. I also hold a 200 hour RYT (registered yoga teacher), E-PYT (pre-natal), & E-CYT (children's) certificates from Yoga Alliance (www.yogaalliance.org) the largest and most recognized yoga organization in this county. I am also a Level III Radiant Child children's yoga instructor (http://www.childrensyoga.com/). I also hold a 30-hour certificate in yoga birth and pre/post-natal yoga from Mary Barnes and the Barnes Method.
The secret is to find a balance in one’s life. People of every age group, religion and culture can practice and benefit from Hatha Yoga. The gentle stretching movements of asana can make your life less stressful, bringing deep relaxation, peace, and greater flexibility to your body and mind. Yoga enables us to live our lives at a higher and more fulfilling level.
The eight limbs of yoga as described in The Yoga Sutras are:
- Preparation for Practice (yamas & niyamas) - These include turning away from self-centered habits, cultivating habits and qualities that generate energy, and studying the ancient teachings of yoga.
- Postures (asana) - By performing Hatha asana we bring our physical systems into balance. This is what most people in America define as yoga.
- Breathe Control (pranayama) - Is the use of diaphragmatic breathing (and other techniques) to direct the flow prana (life force energy) in our bodies to bring about calmness and clarity.
- Preparation for Meditation (pratyahar) - The practice of turning the negative into the positive in ones life. By doing this we bring equilibrium into our lives. This is accomplished by practicing specific rituals, sounds, and postures that concentrate on this practice prepare us for meditation.
- Meditation (dharana & dhyana) - The practice of concentration on an object (word, saying, or mantra) in order to achieve a meditative state and eventual quietness of the mind.
- Natural State (samadhi) - Reaching an enlightened state of oneness. When we do this we have reached the goal of Yoga.